Game: Tsuro of the Seas
Manufacturer: Calliope Games
Designer: Tom McMurchie & Jordan WeismanYear: 2012
Tsuro of the Seas is a 2-8player tile laying survival game
where you sail a boat through water plagued with Daikaiju (which will from here always be referred to as dragons). The objective is to
stay on the board as long as possible by laying tiles that set out routes to
follow in the form of the wake of your ships. Falling of the board, landing on a dragon, having a dragon fly on top
of you or crashing into another boat will all knock you out of the game.
The main game-play is the same as the original Tsuro, you
place down a tile out of your hand of three, move yourself and any other
affected players along the wakes printed on that tile, continuing along the
lines of any other tiles that you come into contact with until you reach an
empty tile space. Your objective is to stay on the grid-based board, this
starts off easy, but the board slowly fills up with more tiles and a simple
move might take you across 4-5 tiles and onto the other side of the board. Of the Seas adds dragons, dragons start on random
co-ordinates (though tending towards the center) and then move about during the
game eating both ships and movement tiles along their erratic paths.
At the
start of each turn you roll the 2 6-sided dice, on a roll of 6, 7 or 8 the
dragons awaken and move about. You then roll the dice for each dragon in order,
the dragons are all printed with the numbers 1-5 and follow the action rolled,
moving in one of the 4 cardinal directions or spinning on the spot. On a roll
of 6 that particular dragon doesn’t move, though others may still do so. If I’m
honest I’ve always had the nagging feeling that we’ve played this wrong and
instead you move all dragons based on the numbers rolled when you rolled the
6/7/8. The two dice are coloured to match one of the two dragon colours so this
would make sense, but from what I’ve read in the rules you do roll every dragon
separately, this does feel like it takes longer than necessary.
The number of dragons starting on the board depends on
player count and they do add a certain amount of danger to the game board,
something that was lacking in the early turns of the base game. Dragons can
also be killed in similar ways to players, they can fly into each other (in
which case the moving one eats the stationary one) or they can fly off the
board, however there will always be 3 on the table, so should the number get
too low new ones will be spawned at random coordinates, creating one of the
cheapest player deaths you can get.
Tsuro of the seas in many ways has the opposite problem of
the original Tsuro. In the original game the start tends to be quite slow, but
as the board fills up the game gets more frantic, however in Tsuro of the seas
the start of the game can be quite hectic due to dragons randomly picking of
some of the 8 players, but when there are only a few players left the dragons
can eat up tiles as fast as you place them, meaning that new open areas appear
and the game can drag on a lot longer. Dragon deaths can also feel quite cheap,
whereas deaths from your own bad planning/other players feels fair. Of course
the answer to all this is simply to play without the dragons, fortunately Tsuro
of the seas contains enough tiles to be played as the original game, so there
is little reason not to get this version.
The production value is very good, everything in the box looks and feels high quality. |
Tsuro of the seas is a nice game to get a large number of
people playing quickly, though it does suffer at lower player counts, the rules can be explained as simply as roll the dice,
play a tile, pick up a tile. However being a knock out game and given that the
dragons can slow down the endgame I feel it is actually more lacking for such
occasions than the base game. Of course simply ignoring every reference to
dragons is a very viable option, alternatively if you have no dragons ever
respawn this can reduce their threat over time and so reduce the number of
tiles removed by them, also stopping the somewhat unfair ‘dragon flies in you
die’ deaths.
Nice review! I have similar feelings towards Tsuro of the Seas. The random death is frustrating (though funny for everyone else!) but my real issue is length. Players can be eliminated much earlier than you tend to see in the original Tsuro, and the game ends up taking longer too! Not a good combination.