Publisher: Bombyx
Designer: Bruno Cathala, Florian Sirieix
Year: 2018

Each turn players will select one broken machine from the conveyor belt to buy, the newest machines will cost more charcoal(ium) than the later ones, but will also giver you an earlier placing in the turn order. If you don't want any machines then you can earn a few charcoal by doing dirty work around the factory instead. On a players turn the first thing that happens is all of their machines will activate, these typically produce a few resources, or convert resources from one kind to another. You only have room for 4 machines in your workshop, but you can combine some machines to save space. After your machines produce you get to choose 2 of the 6 actions, however you don't have free reign, your must select 2 adjacent abilities, and cannot select the same 2 as the previous turns.