Game: Raptor
Manufacturer: Matagot
Designer: Bruno Cathala & Bruno Faidutti
Year: 2015
Raptor is a
tactical dinosaur game for 2 players, in it you ... sorry I just need a moment
to enjoy the phrase “tactical dinosaur” ... okay done. In it you take control
of either a mother raptor trying to protect her young or a group of scientists
trying to kidnap the baby raptors for science! The two sides play in the same
way but both have varied actions that make each side feel unique.
Each player has a hand of 3 cards from their deck of 9, the
cards all have a special ability and a number from 1-9. The players put one
card face down and then reveal, the player who placed the lower numbered card
does their ability, while the player who placed the higher numbered card gets
action points equal to the difference between the two numbers. Both sides have
2 victory conditions, for the dinosaurs they win when 3/5 of the babies escape
or when they have eaten all the scientists on the field. The scientists win
when either they have captures 3 babies or when they manage to fully
tranquilise the mother raptor.
The game board at the start of the game, the scientist come in from the edges, while the dinosaurs are spread across the 6 map tiles. |
The scientists can spend their action points in 5 ways, they
can move any one scientist 1 step, they can recover from being frightened, they
can capture a sleeping baby that they are standing next to, they can
tranquilise a non-sleeping baby that they are standing next to or they can
shoot the mother with a tranquiliser at long range. However each individual
scientist model can only do 1 capture/shoot action per turn, so you can’t tranq
a baby and then capture it right away (unless you have 2 scientists nearby).
The dinosaurs also have 5 basic actions, they can move a baby 1 space, they can
move the mother as far as they like in a straight line (this costs an extra
action point for every tranquiliser the mother has been shot with), the mother
can eat a scientist it is standing next to, the mother can wake up a baby she
is standing next to, or she can put out fires that she is next to.
The game adds variety by having a reversible game board in 6
sections, the board is meant to be set up randomly, so you may end up with long
clear sections of terrain that make it easy to shoot the mother raptor across,
but also give her great mobility, or you might end up with a rocky landscape
with no clear lines across it. Either way there will be 9 rocks in the game
which serve to block movement and line of sight and generally get in everyone’s
The special actions on the cards vary in power, higher numbers tend to be stronger as you have less chance of getting them (to get the power for an 8 card your opponent has to have played their 9), for
scientists you have a combination of bringing in more scientists, riding around
in jeeps for fast movement, setting fires to block paths or putting babies to
sleep at a distance. The dinosaurs ahve a mix of waking babies up at a
distance, scaring scientists at a range, calling awake babies to their mother’s
side across the map and having the mother disappear off the map, then reappear
anywhere after the scientists move, this last ability is particularly painful
as the dinosaur player then gets to see the next card the scientists play
before choosing theirs, this usually leads to one or more dead scientists!
The scientists view from part way through the game, things could be going better, but we do have 1 baby ready to capture! |
So far Raptor
feels well balance, both me and Fi have had a roughly equal amount of wins
(after an early win streak from me) with the winds evenly split across the two
sides. If I had to decide I’d say that the raptor side is slightly more
powerful, but that might be because it can be very easy for the mother to eat 2
scientists and clear one half of the board on her first turn if she gets 3-4
action points. The game is quick to play, fun, if occasionally frustrating, and
has some wonderful minis for the scale. I don’t know if Raptor has earned a permanent place on our shelf, but it is a good
game, perhaps it would feel a little more welcome if my main gaming partner was
a *touch* more of a graceful loser!
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